Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A girls day out

After a light brekky this morning we took the girls into town for a day without kids and men. Alan and I made good use of the time and did some shopping in the tackle shop and in the supermarket.

One of the products we've discovered in the tackle shop is frozen Mango, which is normally only available at the markets on Sat & Sun. The frozen Mangos make a great snack or can be thawed out to be used for all sorts of things. Yesterday we made our own Mango dessert sauce and poured it over ice cream. At this stage we are going through 1kg of Mango every day.

The caravan park had two resident chooks which grazed amongst the caravans and sometimes even entered caravans and cars if there was food to be had. Unfortunately, the other day, after a bit of commotion under a caravan a few doors up one of the chickens was found dead, apparently killed by a snake. Although we haven't found out what type of snake, we have it on good authority the the tree areas next to the caravans are home to a number of snakes.

By the time the girls had finished their shopping and I picked them up it was nearly 3pm. I spent a bit of time at the pool and we've had a very relaxing afternoon before settling down to a Mango Chicken Salad for dinner.

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