After a leisurely breakfast we sat down to prepare some fishing rigs. Our neighbour, Rudi, joined us, got a lesson in rig making and got his rigs ready for the afternoon.
Ilse and Judy went into town for some shopping and by the time they were back and we finished the rigs it was noon. We left for the jetty after 1pm and called into the tackle shop on the way.
We fished for a couple of hours but apart from small Trevalley and cod there was nothing worthwhile. Back at the caravan we had a visit from Beate and Uwe, the German globe trotters. Together with neighbours Rudi and Cheryl we had little birthday celebration for Alan and Alexander. Ilse and Judy even made a birthday cake during the afternoon.
Dinner was a none event tonight as we've had birthday cake in the afternoon but a few Nachos were appreciated by the crowd.
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