Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Double Birthday

We had two Birthdays today - Alan and Alexander. The birthday surprise activity planned for them didn't happen due to circumstances beyond our control and has been postponed to Wednesday.

After breakfast and the early birthday phone calls we dropped the girls into town for some food shopping whilst Alan, Alexander and I went to the tackle shop. Alan picked out a new fishing rod for his birthday and I purchased another family rod since Alexander has broken one back in Port Smith. We also picked up a couple more kilos of frozen Mango for tonight.

We went for another visit to The Mango Place at 12 Mile where we stocked up with freshly baked Sourdough bread and enjoyed Mango Smoothies. Back at the caravan for lunch followed by a bit of rigging up to go fishing in the afternoon.

Our timing today was a bit better than last time as we managed to arrive an hour before high tide. We certainly caught a number of very colourful fish but none to take home. Alexander caught most of them but Alan, while christening his new rod, had a BIG hit but eventually lost it as the fish bit through the 60lb leader - we should have put on a wire trace!

The fish in the photos is a Bluebone, often targeted for it's fine eating qualities.

Back at the caravan we enjoyed another Chicken-Mango salad for dinner and tasted the Mango wine and Mango port we bought earlier in the day.

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