Thursday, July 28, 2011

Birthday fishing

We left camp at 6:45am for Alexander's and Alan's delayed birthday surprise. They had no idea what they were in for when we arrived at Gantheaume Point to meet up with Cameron from Sentosa Charters.

We hired the Cameron and his boat for the whole day to go out fishing. First we trolled through the Mackerel area and both birthday boys got to land Mackerel. While Alan was holding one Mackerel in the water to wait for Alexander to finish with his Mackerel a large shark popped up and took the Mackerel. Once the big shark was on the line there was no hope of moving him anywhere so the line was eventually snapped off. With 3 Mackerel on ice we decided to move on.

After a bit of brekkie we did some reef fishing and bounced our bait on the bottom. This resulted in various Emperor species, Trevallay, Crimson Sea Perch and a few others. However, the sharks were thick and fast. As we fished we could see about half a dozen large sharks hanging around the boat with the intention of stealing our catch. We lost probably half of our catch to sharks.

during lunch we headed northwards for some game fishing. Using the switch bait method we trolled a couple of teaser lines to bring up some sailfish. Once a sailfish appears on the surface, the teaser is switched for a bait fish with hook and let out to the sailfish who will whack it with it's bill. The baitfish then needs to stop (let line run free) and the sailfish will come back to eat it.

This is very interesting fishing with a 10kg line to catch a 15-40kg fish. Ours (see picture) was 20-25kg and Alexander got to reel him in with great care. To more precise, the boat actually reverses towards the fish rather than the fish being reeled to the boat.

These sailfish perform spectacular jumps and this type of fishing is the most exciting we have ever done. Once the photo's were taken, the Sailfish was carefully held in the water while motoring and, once fully recovered,
was let go to live another day.

During the day we saw plenty of whales and sea snakes as well. By the time we returned to the caravan and had fresh Mackerel for dinner we were worn out and ready for bed.

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