Tuesday, May 17, 2011

One the road

After a rather warm night we were well on our way for an early getaway so we can get a few km's under our belt. However, the first major breakdown occurred when I tried to start the car and the battery was flat. After a bit of investigation I found the battery has been in the car since Dec 2008. Lucky it happened at friends - Ron drove me to Rochester where I bought a new battery (should have done that before I left home!) and jumper leads as I left mine at home.

By 9:30 we finally got on the road and headed west on what I was told is the longest straight road in Victoria. It leads to a little place call Prairie before joining onto the Lodden Hwy. They have odd place names in the area - saw a locality named Bamawm (no idea of the correct pronunciation).

We refuelled a Kerang where I was reminded how nice the country is - the servo toilets are not locked, have toilet paper, no graffiti and no sharps disposal containers. Most importantly, people seem to have time to stop and chat. Along the way we passed Lake Boga and stopped int he same place as on our 2009 trip, right next to Lake Boga Yacht Club. There was no water in sight in 2009 yet now the Lake was full and looking great. Compare the picture in this post against this picture in our 2009 blog - The are both taken in exactly the same spot.

We had lunch somewhere on the Murray River and admired how wide it is on this end.

Out track involved a number of Murray River crossings and by the time the day was out we had been in 3 different states, VIC, NSW and SA. Crossing the border into SA around 4pm involved a quarantine inspection of our caravan fridge for any fruit and veg, but we have done this before so didn't bring much to start off with and ate what was left just before we got to the check point on the border. Now we're in a different time zone - half an hour behind the eastern states.

Our final destination tonight was determined by the sun set time. Thanks to the GPS's sunset prediction we were able to drive into the caravan park at Wakerie just on dusk as the moon was coming up. In total we've covered a bit over 600km today which is not a bad effort considering our delayed start this morning.

Click this link will to see a map of today's travel.

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