Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Big Smoke

This morning I emptied the second Jerry Can into the tank and took both Jerry's off the roof rack for our trip into the city.
We checked out the morning traffic into Perth City when we travelled on the Great Eastern Highway during peak hour. Although a bit slow at times, traffic is very good compared to Melbourne or Sydney. In barely half an hour we were across the Swan River and on the edge of the CBD were traffic was flowing very well.
We went for a little drive before settling on a suitable car park near the WA Supreme Court. From there we set off on foot into the city with our hiking boots and backpacks. Needless to say, in amongst the tie wearing and very well dressed city slickers we stuck out like a sore thumb.

The CBD is fairly small but has all the typical CBD shops like Gucci and many others were us mere mortals can't even gain entry.
After our visit to the Austrian Consulate we checked out the Apple Store and then sat down for lunch at one of the numerous food outlets.
In the afternoon we walked to Northbridge which is on the other side of the CBD. Once we crossed the Railway line one could notice a distinct change from white collar to blue collar.
It also appears that this part of town is occupied by ethnic groups with most shops displaying advertising in two languages.
Our walk took us to a Jaycar shop in Newcastle Street where I purchased a new rear vision monitor since the old one has died and for the last travel day I had no vision directly behind the caravan.
Walking back towards the CBD we visited an African shop. Reminded me a bit at Border Just Foods in Albury, but with lots more food from all over the world.

On our walk back through the CBD we checked out London Court (photo) which contains lots of little tourist shops and reminds me of Diagon Ally, a place in the Harry Potter story.
I got a very pleasant surprise when I paid for the car parking - $13 for 6 hours - very cheap compared to Melbourne.

Back in the car we followed the GPS directions to Welshpool to visit Camec for a few Caravan bits and then onto Alltools Bayswater and finally back to the Caravan.
We managed to complete all of our tasks in Perth so there is no further need for us to stay but since we're already here, we'll spend another day here before we head further north.

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