Friday, August 12, 2011


After a cold night we woke to a glorious morning, the sun was trying to warm up the cold air (6 DegC) but didn't have much of a chance.
This morning Ron was taking Vicki to hospital in Bendigo, so we left together around 9am but we headed into Echuca to refuel and then along the Murray Valley Highway back home.

The kids were very excited about returning home and getting back to their Lego collection. The weather today was very nice with a sunny day to remind us that spring is only a couple of weeks away.

We parked the caravan in front of the house and unloaded absolutely everything as we expect to sell the caravan over the next few months.

I was a little bit weird for the first few hours in the house where we have so much space compared to the 20sqm we occupied for the last three months. Now that the caravan is empty we have lots of stuff lying around the house and the next few days will be spent stowing things away and getting used to the rain which is forecast to fall for most of next week.

Later in the afternoon we dropped that caravan back it's usual spot at the office and that brought our trip to an official closure.
I suppose one day we'll return back to Broome where the weather is nice and the lifestyle is uncomplicated but for the time being we better start enjoying the cold and the rain.

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